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Mint & Lime Green Juice

It’s finally here, a decent heatwave that’s set to last for the foreseeable. Should I drop everything and head to the beach straight away, will I eat my yearly quota of ice-cream in one weekend, do I need to make all the hay in the first few days of sunshine. Deep breaths. This is a marathon not a sprint.

If you are reading this blog post vaguely sunburnt but very happy, you are probably not alone. When it comes to sunshine us Irish have a drop everything and make the most of it attitude. That’s ok though, all our lives we’ve been teased with summers consisting of the occasional few days of sunshine only for them to be snatched away and replaced with greyish / dampish mild days. The great thing about being self employed is flexibility but it’s also the most dangerous. Last spell of hot weather had me losing the run of myself and falling way behind on work deadlines!!

Lesson learned for this heatwave. I’m also determined not to fall behind on my blog posts. Before I took my blogging break last year, I was getting 20,000 to 30,000 hits on my blog each month – relatively low for some, but I was chuffed. Then I had my blogging hiatus – no regrets – but my readership naturally went way down. If you are blogging for readership figures it is hard going. Figures have never been all that important to me, but then again when you are working hard on content, there is such a nice feeling to check your analytics and see people are reading and enjoying your blog posts. Now that I’m back blogging regularly, it feels good to see that more and more people are reading my posts and I definitely want to continue to build on that. Perfect cue to say THANK YOU to all of you are reading The Honest Project.

Now, keep scrolling for a refreshing Mint & Lime Green Juice recipe. This one is best made in juicer as opposed to a blender. But if you only have the latter, it’ll still work, but to be honest it isn’t quite the same.

Mint & Lime Green Juice

Mint & Lime Green Juice

(serves 2)


1 cucumber

2 large handfuls of baby spinach leaves

2 limes

1 small handful of mint leaves


Wash and chop your cucumber and limes into small size pieces that will fit through your juicer. Slowly feed the ingredients through your juices, starting with the cumcumber, then the spinach, next the mint and finally the lime. Let your juicer run for a sixty seconds to allow as much juice as possible drip through.

Add a ice cubes to two glasses and pour the juice over the ice. Drink immediately.

Mint & Lime Green Juice

Mint & Lime Green Juice


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