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Who else panics when hungry and always has snacks on stand by?! Great,I'm not alone so. Very rarely, I'll make it to lunch without hunger pangs kicking in. So, I have been totally shocked that over the past few weeks, I'm reaching lunch-time without even a hint of a rumbling tummy. I'm putting it down to my new breakfast smoothie regime and the key is protein. I know this isn't news to most people, but finally I've taken the advice to eat a high protein breakfast on board. Or in this case drink one! To help me, I went and got myself a plant based protein powder to use in my smoothies, and I'm happy to report that it actually tastes o.k. If I'm completely honest, some of the protein powders I've tasted in the past have not been the best tasting. Probably a big part of why I didn't get into the habit of using them.

O.K. Before I get to the recipe, I think it might be worth saying that I'm sure I'll get sick of this smoothie and want to change it up at times. That's my big thing with food; I love it so much that I cannot eat the same thing on repeat for too long. It actually blows my mind when I hear of people who eat the very same breakfast or lunch everyday. There is so much food to try!! Then I remember it's none of my business what others eat and I'm sure there are a million things I do, that other people are like... really?!!

Keep scrolling for the recipe for my 'Breakfast in a Glass' smoothie and please no-one email me to tell me what calories are in it!! Ignorance is bliss xx

Breakfast Smoothie

'Breakfast in a Glass' Smoothie

(serves 1)


1.5 cups cashew nut milk

1 cup frozen berries

2 tbsp Greek yogurt

1 tbsp nut butter

1 tbsp chia seeds

1 scoop of plant based protein powder

1 tsp honey (optional)


Add the ingredients to your blender and blend until smooth and creamy. Serve immediately or keep in the fridge for 24 hours, just give it a good shake before drinking.

PS: In summer time, smoothies are quite nice served over ice.


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