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Natural Skincare

I’m going to start this blog post with a disclaimer that this is my first time blogging about beauty products and I feel more than a little bit weird about it. Definitely not my comfort zone; I’m no expert when it comes to different skincare ingredients and what they’re supposed to do and I'm pretty much convinced that the most important things we can do for our skin is to eat well and get lots of sleep. However, I do know that I want my skincare to be made up of as much natural ingredients as possible and so I've have been trying and testing lots of natural products over the past few years and I feel like I’ve finally reached my natural skincare happy place, at least for now. And now that I've been posting about other natural products, like on the blog (like candles and cleaners, etc.), it makes sense to post about this too.

When it comes to skincare, I’m definitely the kind of person who when faced with lots to choose from I get a little over whelmed and then quickly turns to ambivalence. However, give me a small number of products to choose from, or better still a specific recommendation and I’m much more happier. So if any of you guys are similar, I'm hoping you like this post. I'm starting with three of my favourite products. These are ones that are natural, cruetly free and actually work. One is by a brand called Dublin Herbalists and two are by Kinvara Skincare. Only in recent years has using products made from natural ingredients become a priority for me, so I didn't know these brands before that.

Keep scrolling for more and if you use any natural products that you swear by, please pop them in the comments xx


Dublin Herbalist’s Every Day Cleansing Gel

I started using the Every Day Cleansing Gel from Dublin Herbalists a few weeks back and I’m not sure I’ve been this happy with a cleanser before. I was going to say I was excited about it, but in all honestly, cleanser isn't something I get excited about... BUT if I did, I would be very excited about this one. It’s a three in one cleanser that is a gel when applied. When you massage it into your skin, it transforms into a cleansing oil and when splashed with water the oil transforms into a cleansing milk. I have no idea how it manages to do this, but what I do know is that it leaves my skin ultra clean, soft and hydrated. There’s no tightness or dryness after using it. I've only been using it a few weeks, but I know enough to say that I will 100 per cent be repurchasing this product.


Kinvara Skincare’s 24 Hour Rosehip Face Serum

This is probably my favourite of all the skincare products I’ve tried over the last few years. It’s a concentrated formula of plant extracts, vitamins and antioxidants and it's applied to your face before moisturising. You need only a tiny drop and the bottle lasts for ages (YAY!). I'm not exagerating when I say that I notice a visible brightening of my skin when I apply this serum. Is 'glowly' a word? Because I want to use glowy when talking about this serum. It smells divine and scent is really important to me. I can't use something that smells over powering or too ‘chemically’, if that makes sense. I'm not sure what else to say, only that I’m on my third bottle of this so far and I definitely don’t stick with something if I think it’s a waste of money or that it's all marketing and no substance. Actually, I was so afraid of running out of this, that I bought my next bottle and had it on the ready before the previous one was even near finished.


Kinvara Skincare’s Active Rosehip Day Cream

My favourite moisturiser at the moment is also from Kinvara and it’s their Active Rosehip Day Cream. It contains the blessed hyaluroni acid to help with our anti-aging efforts. It’s very light, not at all greasy and absobs really quickly. My foundation goes on like a dream after using it. Moisturiser has always been one of those products that I chopped and changed, trying new ones all the time. I didn’t really repurchase any that I can remember. So when I tried this, it was obviously exactly what my skin needed as it literally soaks it up and I'm on my third jar.

And just to mention again, the most important thing with all of these products is that they contain only natural ingredients. But obviously they have to work too and I promise I wouldn't post about them here if I wasn't actually buying and using these products myself. Now I’m on the hunt for a natural face mask that I love, so please pass any recommendations you have my way xx

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